everything is possible... the impossible just takes a little longer

slow and steady wins the race

Friday, April 17, 2009

Blogger MIA

I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post... so much has happened.  Here is a brief run-down of what has been going on since I have been Blogger MIA

1.  Easter.  And all that goes along with it.  

2.  Poncho Project Kits... 4 of the 7 kits have been sent out.  Fabric for the remaining 3 arrived and now I have to get back to work and finish those up.  I also made several ponchos for my next delivery and got a little blurb in the local paper about the Poncho Project (woot woot)

3.  Cabin Fever... *** note to Mother Nature... please quit teasing us... 50 degrees one day and 6 inches of snow the next... seriously!  Don't you have better things to do?

4.  Taxes

5.  Drama... lots and lots of Drama directly related to trying to get everyone back on schedule after spring break.  You know it's bad when simple disputes, such as who actually uses the purple spin-brush tooth brush and who actually uses the blue one, ends in tears and a welt on someone's forehead.

6.  Appointments, Appointments, Appointments

7.  A little medical scare that although proved to be nothing major will hopefully prompt a major change.  

8.  More family coming to visit

9.  Soccer, baseball, basketball and more soccer

10.  Teaching a boxmaking class

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