everything is possible... the impossible just takes a little longer

slow and steady wins the race

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Brand New Day

I am so very excited to announce that today is the first day Sam rode to school on the bus WITHOUT his wheelchair.  

This day has been 5 years in the making... and I know you have heard me say a million times...

"slow and steady wins the race" 


"everything is possible... 
the impossible just takes a little longer" 

I have screamed these words through laughter and tears.  I have spoke them time and time again to encourage others and more often times than not to encourage myself.  I have mumbled them under my breath knowing that others thought I was insane to hope for so much.  But today, with an over-flowing heart, I tell you again that I believe in the truth and the power of these words.  I am humbled by the miracles that I have witnessed first hand in the form of a chromosomally-enchanced little wonder boy... and I know that we absolutely are blessed and lucky!    

Well today I stand before you to share yet another long distance race won by none other than Mr. Naughty himself! He is living proof that everything is possible! 

*insert happy dance here*

Words cannot express my excitement!  So here are some pics of this momentous occasion.  

 getting fitted for his new harness... and you can't see well but he actually stood on one foot while he lifted his leg to step into the harness.... OMG can you believe it!!!!!

 His first step onto the bus!

 Lovin' his new seat on the bus!

Of course he had to get some flirting in...

 Now that is one happy boy!!!
"Sam's Bus"... even has his name right over the door!


Alicia said...

What a wonderful milestone. What a happy boy! Great job, Sam!

-- Alicia

Becca said...

Wow, how exciting!!! I love the flirty pic. :-)

Heather said...

That's our boy.Our inspiration.Our reason to take on your tried and true 2 mantras and adopt them as our own. And through the victories of your wonder boy,we see,with clarity,the possibilities for our little wonder,that was masked by fear and uncertainty 3 years ago.

Thank you Rae for sharing your son.3 years ago I needed to glimpse hope and Sam's precious face was there.A beacon of light that still shines oh so bright for us today.

Bethany said...

Woo hoo, I love this! Rae, you never cease to inspire me!!

Jenna said...

My name is Jenna and i came across your site. Sam is an amazing, courageous strong and determined fighter. he is a brave warrior, smilen champ and an inspirational hero. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and love it when people sign my guestbook. www.miraclechamp.webs.com

Recumbent bike said...

good post and very cute boy with very attractive smiling face.

Angela said...

My son Noah also has Down syndrome, long segment Hirschsprungs and had infantile spasms. Our blog is trisomytribe.blogspot.com he became continent at around age 7 but has just needed an emergency ileostomy for a perforation not sure what the future holds

Luke's Mom said...

I am so happy for you guys and inspired to learn from you. Our son Luke has DS and had first infant spasms yesterday. We see the neurologist today. I just needed to find some positive energy to keep in mind today. Sam's picture on the bus will keep me hopeful. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

wonderful pics, they get to show that you're a wonderful mom.

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Unknown said...

I wanted to say that I love your blog and the title. You truly are “blessed and lucky.” You have three beautiful little boys. I love this story about Sam riding the bus for the first time without his wheelchair. He looks so happy doing it too! Thank you for sharing your story with everyone. I find that most people don’t truly understand the small accomplishments that mean so much. We really take advantage of little things like just sitting on a bus seat.
You mentioned that it took five years to work on transportation without a wheelchair. Most people don’t realize the patience, time, and work that go into these goals. I work in a multiple disabilities classroom and part of my job is getting the kids off the bus. Therefore, I understand the significance of something like riding on the bus without a wheelchair. I’m sure Sam’s teachers were just as excited as he was.
Sam’s story of riding the bus is a perfect example of helping find least restrictive environment under IDEA. If he can ride the bus without a wheelchair than why not! IDEA ensures that Sam will have access to the education he needs and to the resources available. Even ten years ago, individuals with special needs wouldn’t have these options and opportunities that are now available. That’s why I find your blog so great. You’re helping spread knowledge and understanding just by telling your story.
I also enjoyed the post about the bike that your family won. Adaptive equipment like that is great and can be expensive. We use bikes similar to those all the time in our classroom to work on physical therapy with the children. I can’t imagine pedaling for two people for 60 miles. That’s very impressive. I love hearing stories about families at home because I only get to see these children in the school environment. Sam is very fortunate to have supportive and involved family like yours.
I believe it’s so vital and important that parents advocate for their children. If no one ever spoke up then we wouldn’t have come as far as we have and I know we still have a long way to go. In one of your posts you asked if you were wrong for wanting more, and I have to say no you aren’t! It’s only natural that you would want what’s best for your children. They wouldn’t have gotten as far as he has if you just settled. Nothing is impossible and there always room for advancement. With free and appropriate education in place you’re guaranteed to find that Sam is capable of so much more than you ever dreamed was possible. Again, thank you for sharing you story with other to help raise awareness in our society.

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dennisl said...

cool photo i wish it me wear e z on vest next to he to

Yang Kuo said...

wonderful pics, they get to show that you're a wonderful mom.


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Dennis N Lenahan said...

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